
List of red flags

Any one of these red flags in your business make growth challenging.
We have proven solutions for all of them.

  1. Gross margin less than 35%
  2. Year to year demand for company offerings fluctuates making planning difficult
  3. Growing credit line
  4. People with ‘Manager’ titles not empowered to make business decisions
  5. Workflow and hand off to next role not clearly understood and managed
  6. Employees with key knowledge have left
  7. Hard to find and keep employees
  8. Don’t discover problems that cause poor profitability until it’s too late to fix them
  9. More than 20% of revenue comes from one or two clients
  10. What used to work to attract business isn’t doing the job anymore

Are you ready for higher ROI?

Tell us what’s important to you this year.

Let`s talk