You need stable building blocks in place before pushing growth so you can earn real profits

Should I Sell My Company?

A better Question is: Am I Certain Selling is My Best Option?

Making the optimal decision about when to sell, if you should sell, is your company ready to sell and what will it mean for my future, for my wealth and for my employees and all I’m leaving behind is a complex process. Sometimes the answers pull you in multiple directions. Often you don’t find out you hadn’t asked the right questions until it’s too late to manage the process to an outcome you can live with.

That’s why we developed Your Decision Road Map
It is for business owners who want Certain and Reliable Return on Investment and know they are proceeding with a plan that will deliver an outcome they really want.

Powerful Questions need Powerful Answers and The Decision Road Map Workshop series helps you find the outcomes you really care about, customized to your situation:

  • How do I increase the financial returns I receive from my business?
  • Will I be able to sell my business for what I want, when I want for the ultimate ROI?
  • Do I have to sell my business to earn more ROI so I have enough to retire?
  • What do I live on if I won’t be receiving a monthly pay check after a sale?
  • Should I sell to employees, family or another company or just hire a GM & step back from the day to day?
  • Do I have enough income & wealth to invest in other assets in case I can’t sell my business?
  • How much is enough and how much risk do I take to achieve my financial goals?
  • What are the risks of taking my business to the market now vs later this year or next year?
  • Will there be a buyer who wants to acquire my company for what I want or need to sell it for?
  • How do I get started on this process of getting ready to sell? There are so many conflicting sources of information.
  • What does it mean to have a ‘saleable’ company vs a ‘successful for me’ company?

If you know the answers to these questions you increase the probability of ROI from all sources.

  • If you don’t take the time to make these decisions, your options and income could be limited. And the value you have built starts to melt away.
  • Life’s circumstances dictate the future ROI for most business owners.
  • Less than 10% of owners ever secure a sale of their companies. Yet many buyers are looking.
  • Buyers are looking when it suits them, not you. They are looking for very specific attributes. To be saleable, your company needs to embed them. Successful for you is not enough to attract a buyer.
  • Knowing when, if and how you want to sell, puts you in the driver’s seat when buyers come calling or life throws a curve ball.
  • Rely on our proven Road Map to sail your business to the outcome you really want.

The Decision Road Map Steps

Step 1 – Handle Reality

  • Discover what your business is worth;
  • Decipher the company’s red flags making predictable returns hard;
  • Learn how to see your business like an investor, able to increase profits & growth…
  • So you know how your business could  deliver improved ROI.

Step 2 – Hone Goals

  • Discover how much is enough & set the goal;
  • Discover your risk tolerance  for change, growth, & returns;
  • Choose what’s important to you, your business, family & legacy…
  • So, you know what level of growth is possible & reliable.

Step 3 – Hunt the Ideal Buyer

  • Discover the many options for delivering higher ROI from an outright sale, to hold & harvest;
  • Learn how businesses are acquired to play the right game...
  • So, you can select the best ROI options for your risk tolerance, business & personal goals.

Step 4 – Helm the Transition

  • You’ve made your decision. Chosen your path;
  • All great intentions need to be activated;
  • Time to map out how to get the return you really want, & the growth you need…
  • So, you win the game of earning a reliable ROI from your business.

Your Decision Road Map Deliverables – You will have found the right path to a Wise Decision

Step 1 – After Handling Reality you will know

  1. Your company’s valuation range based on current saleability status so that you can assess your valuation gap between what you would like to sell it for and what a buyer might be willing to pay for it.
  2. Clarity on red flags that reduce valuation, ROI & make running the business hard.
  3. Insight into X Factors that would make managing easier, perception of value higher resulting in attracting a buyer’s interest .

Step 2 – After Honing Your Goals you will have

  1. Clarity on personal & financial goals including how much your need.
  2. Excitement about desired purpose & identity post exit so you are moving to a future you will enjoy.
  3. Deep insight into your ability to tolerate risk when facing change & uncertainty so you can make the changes that turn a successful company into a saleable asset.
  4. Your valuation gap clearly understood so you know how it will affect financial certainty, the probability of selling & wealth accumulation.

Step 3 – After Hunting the Ideal Buyer you will have

  1. The critical attributes needed to play the M&A game to win.
  2. Understanding all options for harvesting & accumulating wealth to leaving a legacy.
  3. Scenarios to help weigh & choose ideal path to ROI based on goals & risk.
  4. Know which kind of buyer is most likely to want your business and what will attract them to you.

Step 4 – After Helm the Transition you will know how to make your business saleable with

  1. Priority Action Plan for which red flags to fix & X Factors to add to achieve your ROI goals.
  2. A financial model & scorecard to measure progress.
  3. Certainty as to how you & your team will fix flags & add changes within your everyday responsibilities in running the business.

Your Decision Road Map is a facilitated and customized program for you and your situation. To find out how to get started send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.