Think You Can Sell a Business When you Want for What you Want? Time for a Reality Check
With the fact that over the last 20 years, roughly the same number of companies sell in the lower middle market as the previous years, despite the fact there is far more cash searching for acquisitions should make every owner pause and find out why. That is what this article is about.
Should you Expand Your Business, hosted by Spirit West Management
What goes into the evaluation about whether and how to expand is a tough decision process. What should you pay attention to... Especially if you've tried growing the business before and didn't like the costs or the ROI?
Are you and your team growing from your Mistakes
Are you and your team growing from your MISTAKES? Oooh, that word, is so harsh! I've renamed that word 'MISTAKE' (and that frazzling moment of realization) in my head to "personal growth workshop".
Just Lost a Key
It’s the week after a key linchpin employee decided to move on to greener pastures. You discover this manager had many of their own ways of doing things… that others don’t know about.
Scaling Up Your Business? Organizational Hazards Need to Become Projects
When you're scaling up your business, one of the biggest challenges is realizing that there are new responsibilities. Have they been assigned in a way that gets you traction... that people have the time and ability to carry out?
What Are the Top 3 Attributes Need to Breakthrough Your Company’s Growth Ceiling
Question: What do you think are the top 3 attributes that give you confidence that a company will successfully break through their growth challenges and keep going without people and parts breaking off?
Wishing for Something this Christmas that Won’t Fit Down the Chimney?
Wishing for something this Christmas that won't fit down the chimney? Here's a gift idea for the business owners out there. Consider what return on investment, ROI means to you.
What Gift Are You Giving Your Business This Year?
Sometimes the gifts we really want can't be wrapped up and put under the tree. What do you really want in your stocking this year that will really help your business?
Want More Predictable Profits?
Want more predictable profits so you have the cash flow needed for growth? Last week, I asked you what your favorite benchmark was in 2023 to tell you how well your company is doing. Boosting Gross Margin is my Number 1 predictable profits power producer.
Give Some Love to Gross Margin Next Year
Looking back at 2023, and looking at your company's numbers, what's the number you are most proud of? What data tells you the business is on the right path? Have you been pouring your excitement into Revenue Growth?
How we Bring Your Team Together to Grow Your Business to the Next Level
Own a Business? Has Anyone had the Talk with you yet?
How to See the Blind Spots Pre & Post Acquisition to Minimize Integration Woes
The statistics are grim for successful mergers and acquisitions. 70% to 90% fail according to Harvard Business Review. It's been very hard to pin down the myriad issues. Yet these failures haven't slowed down the drive to buy growth through acquisitions.
Are you in the Process of Trying to Sell?
Are you in the process of trying to sell or considering what to do to make your business saleable ASAP so that you don't pay double US capital gains tax after December 31st?
Want to Avoid Big Capital Gains Taxes Upon the Sale of Your Business? Start 2 Years Before
So you are thinking of selling your business this year to avoid the big hike in US Capital Gains. You may already be talking to M&A advisors trying to find the right fit, the number you want and a team that will get it done before Dec 31st.
Having Frustrations With Your Business Partner?
Having frustrations with your business partner? Can't see eye to eye on where the business should go next? Is one of you wanting out from the vital role he or she plays?
As a Business Owner Where Does Real Freedom Come From
As a business owner, where does real freedom come from? You might have some immediate answers like 'not having to come in on Fridays because you know your team can handle things', or having the cash flow confidence to know when you can hire with the key expertise you need.
So is this the Right Time to Sell Your Business?
You've probably heard the news - lots of mergers & acquisitions action out there. So is this the right time to sell your business? Taking this step could be a milestone year in your life if you are a business owner.
Got Workplace Conflict? Tired of Conflict Resolution?
Got conflict? Sales teams struggling with the baggage? Tried a bunch of solutions that have just sent it underground? Performance suffering? Fed up with how long it takes to sort through all the after-effects? This is for you.
Is Conflict on B2B Sales Teams Inevitable or Preventable
Do you think conflict on B2B Sales teams is inevitable, meaning you'll always be dealing with the endless headaches, having to be a referee for personal grievances and long simmering arguments between sales and marketing?
The Cost of Conflict Zaps Productivity So Why Are You Not Learning How to Prevent It?
f you discovered something was costing your company thousands (or more) per year and it wasn't in your budget, wouldn't you want to stop it? What's lurking in your business?
Painful Business Partnership? Five Partner Pains that Can Threaten Business Success
This is the first article in a series of five on the root of business partnership troubles. Read each in the series. In this first post, discover whether you've got resentment eroding your trust in your partner.
MoreOther publications by Lorraine McGregor
- Â Interpreting the Language of Organizational Complaints, Hosted by GamePlan HR
- Â Planning Your Business Future with ROI in Mind, hosted by Smythe LLP
- Â Turning the Exit Plan into Action so Your Client Becomes Sale-Ready, hosted by The Exit Planning Institute
- Â What Separates a Business With an Exit Strategy From One that Truly Attracts Buyers? A Podcast Hosted by DreamCatchers
- Â Will Your Business Deliver the ROI You Really Need? Hosted by Hillside Wealth
- Â What Does Return on Investment from my Business Mean to You? Hosted by Spirit West Management
- Â Do you Sell Products Through Distributors? Hosted by Sales Xceleration and Spirit West Management
- Â Do you Have Cash Building Up Inside Your HoldCo? Hosted by Hillside Wealth
- Â TroubleShooting Distributor Partnerships. Hosted by Sales Xceleration and Spirit West Management
- Â Will You Have Enough? Wealth Accumulation & Preservation for Business Owners hosted by Invito Partners and Spirit West Management
- Â TroubleShooting Strategic Partnerships Hosted by Steven Wood Space & IP Attorney & Spirit West Management
-  Unleash Your Sales Team’s Potential. Hosted by Spirit West Management
-  For Wealth Managers – Strategic Wealth Mastery: A Profound Look at What It Takes For Your Client to Earn ROI from their Business
- Â Maximizing Opportunity: A Guide For Setting Up Your Business to be Acquired Hosted by The OutPost
- Shouldn’t You Be Making More From Your Business? Hosted by Zada
- Â Not Happy with My Business Valuation: So Now What? Podcast Hosted by Vela Wealth
-  Growing a Fintech Start-up – Hosted by Whitesales Consulting Liverpool, UK