Can You Trust Your Team to Run Your Business? You Need To, For Growth or Sale

High Performance Teams

Are You Missing This Key Ingredient in Your Company?

David Horsager in his new book, The Trust Edge, just out from Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, says:

Warren Bennis Said Leadership is Doing the Right Things – Is Marissa Mayer Right or Wrong?

Want Real Growth in Your Company? It’s About How You Lead. And Sigh. And Learn. And Change.

Can Old Dogs be Taught New Tricks?

Is this old adage still accurate? If you’re over 50 and own a business, are you stuck with the way things are, doomed to another year of more of the same?

How to Manage Non-Managing Managers

When Do You Mentor, When Do You Fire?

The Merry Go-Round Business Owners Call a ‘Meeting’

We are listening to a typical Monday management meeting. Joe gives his update. He makes statements.

Sharp Tools Lead to Sharp Business Results

Leadership is an overused phrase.  Yet if you own a business, leadership should be your sharpest tool in your kit.

Disappointed in Your Last Hires?

A Successful Business is a Direct Result of Your Ability to Detect and Attract Star Performers

Hire GM to my Company

Tim Ferriss of The 4-Hour Work Week fame, challenges business owners to get out of their ‘trapped lifestyle’. He teaches that the key to being rich is to escape the 9-5 routine and reinvent how your work gets done.

Business Valuation Quizzes

Company Growth Quiz


You will be gone through step-by-step evaluation process that will discover both strong and weak sides of your business. In such a way you will have a second opinion, fresh look at the current situation and as a consequence you will be able to take necessary actions if you think those are good points to apply.

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Is your Company Saleable?


Every business owner should know if their biggest asset is saleable. Learn inside tips to improve your odds and test yourself.

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