Growth Case Studies

Growth Case Studies

All companies want to grow. Companies that make it to the $10 – $20 million mark often find themselves on a plateau. Revenues keep increasing but the profit margin does not. It is easy to paint a rosy picture but the more you grow the more resources you need to service that growth. Resources consume profit margin.

Managing costs is of course important. Of greater importance is understanding how to increase your gross margin and your offering to the market place. Can you say for sure whether your top ten customers will keep buying year after year from you? Do you know which products make you money and which don’t? Is revenue one off or reliable? Would your customers tell you if aspects of working with your company are a hassle?

There are opportunities for growth where you would never know to look. Want to find out how to rebalance your company and get off the plateau? Call 604-983-0252

Company Growth Case Studies

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