Forget Getting Your Ducks In a Row. You Need Competent Strategies That Change The Right Things

Hire GM to my Company

Tim Ferriss of The 4-Hour Work Week fame, challenges business owners to get out of their ‘trapped lifestyle’. He teaches that the key to being rich is to escape the 9-5 routine and reinvent how your work gets done.

Know Someone Who is Married to a Business Owner?

Give your friend a big gift. Let them know the spouse of a business owner holds the key to their family’s successful (or shrinking) financial future.

Does Your Spouse Own a Business? Thinking They Will Sell It One Day? Think Again. It’s Not Going to Happen Without Your Words of Wisdom

Do you know that in survey after survey, the spouse of the business owner is the most sought after source of wisdom in their inner circle. You are the person they most like to talk over their issues about the business. You have influence and power. Your words have weight, whether you get acknowledgement for that or not.

Attention Business Owners: Why a Succession Plan isn’t Enough if You Want a Return on Your Investment

Lately, I’ve been asked how we know what we know about making a business saleable. It’s not a well-known concept. But when we describe that it is all about making a company attractive to the next owner and transferrable, the idea makes logical sense.

Attention Wealth Managers: Business Owners Clients? You Need to Know This

Did you know that 90% of business owners fail when attempting to sell their companies?

Business Valuation Quizzes

Company Growth Quiz


You will be gone through step-by-step evaluation process that will discover both strong and weak sides of your business. In such a way you will have a second opinion, fresh look at the current situation and as a consequence you will be able to take necessary actions if you think those are good points to apply.

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Is your Company Saleable?


Every business owner should know if their biggest asset is saleable. Learn inside tips to improve your odds and test yourself.

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