Management Consulting

List of red flags

Any one of these red flags in your business make growth challenging.
We have proven solutions for all of them.

  1. Gross margin less than 35%
  2. Year to year demand for company offerings fluctuates making planning difficult
  3. Growing credit line
  4. People with ‘Manager’ titles not empowered to make business decisions
  5. Workflow and hand off to next role not clearly understood and managed
  6. Employees with key knowledge have left
  7. Hard to find and keep employees
  8. Don’t discover problems that cause poor profitability until it’s too late to fix them
  9. More than 20% of revenue comes from one or two clients
  10. What used to work to attract business isn’t doing the job anymore

Why we do what we do

  • Owning a business is one of the toughest games there is. You take a lot of risks; you have to constantly adapt and up your game in the face of many uncontrollable variables. And you are often the last to reap any rewards.
  • It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to be in the top percentile of companies to win the race
  • We want you to play the game of business to win. To feel great about what you do for your customers, how you lead your people and the returns you earn from all your efforts.
  • We do that by showing you where and how to focus on what really matters. How to get better returns financially. How to lead so your people will follow. How to find and harness demand for your offerings. How to do less but earn more.
  • Which all results in higher profits, higher valuation & manageable growth.
  • We’ve been honing our processes and methods since 1990. We know what works. We’re here for you.